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Sports and drugs essay

Sports and drugs essay

sports and drugs essay

Drug Addiction In Sports Essay; Drug Addiction In Sports Essay. Words 7 Pages. One More Dose The use of illegal substances by athletes has drastically increased in the past years. In effect, illegal substances have led to numerous of deaths from high school, college, and pro-athletes. Illegal substance use is recent and controversial Drug Testing In Sports Essay Words | 4 Pages. A dominant problem in sport today is the use of performance enhancing drugs (doping). The temptation of doping is high because athletes are constantly judged on their performance. However drug testing is costly; per person, a drug test costs around $ New Zealand athletes are often missing Drug Use in Sports Essay. Drugs should be banned in all sports. They have been a problem for a long time. Athletes use them to enhance their body and for simply just the edge. There is nothing wrong with using some drugs to enhance your body as long as they are legal

Drugs in Sports Essay | Bartleby

Please join StudyMode to read the full document, sports and drugs essay. Performance enhancing drugs are dangerous to not only the athlete that consumes them, but also the people around them.

This obviously violates the spirit of competition, and sportsmanship goes out the window. Especially if the bills are piling up and the pressure of winning becomes too much to handle. Not only does one drug user endanger themselves to health risks, but also other competitors.

Anabolic steroids, Androstenedione, Human Growth Hormone HGHErythropoietin, Diuretics and Creatine are the most common performance enhancing drug used. They come in many forms such as an injection from a needle, pill, a powder mix, or even in food. These are readily available on What about drugs in sports then?

Does anyone condone drugs in sport? Of course not! If I was on the World Anti-Doping Agency looking for people who were taking drugs in sport I'd take every cheating sportsman I find, lock them in a cage and throw away the key, unfortunately, that can't happen, so we should do the next best thing - ban them for life.

My outlook on the whole drugs in sports and drugs essay affair comes in the wake of many of our British sportsmen being tested positive for taking various types of drugssuch as Nandrolone and THG.

In the past couple of months we have had the huge case on England international footballer Rio Ferdinand and his missing drugs test case, we have had Dwain Chambers, sports and drugs essay, the European m record-holder, who was tested positive for THG and more recently we have had the Greg Rusedski case.

The British number two tennis player has tested positive for the banned drug nandrolone and in the past Ben Johnson tested positive after his world-record winning run at the at the Seoul Olympics.

Both Dwain Chambers and Greg Rusedski deny taking the drugs but both could face serious consequences if they are actually found guilty after their appeal. Of course as a supporter of British sports I hope they are both found innocent and cleared of the charges sports and drugs essay against them, sports and drugs essay, but if they The topic I am going to discuss today is Drugs in Sport. My contention is that drugs should not be made legal in sports.

Drugs in sport is an issue that is always in the spotlight, especially during major athletic events such as the recent and highly controversial, Tour De France.

However, now the issue has risen to such an extent that sport itself is almost a side issue. There have been numerous drug busts over the years as more and more athletes succumb to the temptation of an easy win by using steroids and various other performance-enhancing drugs.

The frustration of continuously losing and the anger of finding that a drug -using athlete had been banned, only to come back and cheat again, makes those who do not use illegal drugs wonder about the credibility of the sport. There have also been cases, where even though the athlete was banned, they did not appear to suffer financially. This was proved in the case of Ben Johnson, who was banned in sports and drugs essay illegal drug use but still had enough money to buy a fleet of sports cars.

Athletes would then ask themselves, 'What is the point in competing if the opposing athletes can use illegal drugs and often escape the consequences? Although the use of performance enhancing drugs is prohibited, a lifetime ban is unreasonable when one considers the pressures and demands facing professional athletes today.

Recent incidents in the news such as the National Rugby League and Lance Armstrong doping scandals have made this a hot topic and increased public awareness. Sports and drugs essay enhancement in sport has been around for a very long time, as far back as ancient Greek Olympians and Roman Gladiators. This essay will explore the following issues and put forth the argument that professional sport people should not be banned for life from playing their sport if they are convicted of using performance enhancing drugs.

These issues to be discussed as mentioned above are as follows; the use of performance enhancing drugs in the rehabilitation of injury, sports and drugs essay, the attainment of lifetime goals of the individual including the lures of fame and fortune, the mindset of these professional athletes and health risks. After serious injury, there are drugs used for therapeutic reasons in the rehabilitation and recovery of an athlete.

These drugsif used when there was no injury, sports and drugs essay, would enhance performance thus there is a risk of continued use of these substances even after the athlete recovers from the injury. Smith says that an athlete will do this out of concern of a decline in personal performance Athletics have always brought out the competitive side of people; in today's society the will to win has been taken to a new level, to the point where athletes are using legal and illegal drugs to enhance their power and stamina.

There are a number of drugs that can help enhance your performance but in this paper I will focus on anabolic androgen steroids, which are a derivation of testosterone Yesalis xxiv. But many of the negative sports and drugs essay that occur because of the use of steroids are similar to those of other drugs. The number of positive steroid test at Olympic events appears to be falling; the high level of anabolic steroids usage by bodybuilders and weightlifters and by teens is still shockingly high.

Therefore I will be concentrating on the use and effects of steroids on bodybuilders and weightlifters. An Athlete's definition of heath includes a number of qualities; the first is not being sick and the absence of injury. But the main and most important part of being healthy to them is being able to carry out a routine practice or a work out. Their quality of life is very similar to how they define health. The most important thing to athletes, those using drugs sports and drugs essay, is being muscular being the best at their sportand being in the best shape possible.

Wellness would be an athlete's perception of their health. If their health is good then according to them their wellness is good Why: As an athlete and competing in a high level sportI easily understand athletes and their reasons for doping in sports. Also, as a candidate for the Provincial and National Team for Canada I have experience in knowing what you need to know and expect while participating in these events.

Why Illegal: it gives you an unnatural advantage against your opponent. Drugs or blood transfusions can provide a 5 or 10 percent advantage Thomas Murray, Hasting report. Doping up your body and eliminating the concept of fair play is different from exceeding to your best abilities natural and being competitive.

When participating in sportsit builds character to be determined, honest, and cooperative, but when an athlete pumps illegal performance enhancing drugs into their system it shows true character on what they sports and drugs essay do just to win. It has a big effect on the athlete altogether. Doping also effects the psychological aspect of your Performing Enhancing Drugs - Performance-enhancing drugs are substances used by athletes to improve their performances.

Stimulants- Stimulants stimulate the body and mind to perform optimally by enhancing focus, energy, and aggression. Some examples are caffeine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine, sports and drugs essay. Common effects, which vary depending on the substance in question, may include enhanced alertness, awareness, wakefulness, endurance, productivity, and motivation, increased arousal, locomotion, heart rate, and blood pressure, and the perception of a diminished requirement for food and sleep.

Diuretics- Diuretics expel water from athletes' bodies. They are often used by athletes such as wrestlers, who need to meet weight restrictions.

Many stimulants also have secondary diuretic effect. The main adverse effects of diuretics are hypovolemia, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, metabolic alkalosis, metabolic acidosis and hyperuricemia.

Anabolic Steroids- Anabolic steroids, technically known as anabolic-androgenic steroids AASare drugs that have similar effects to testosterone in the body. Anabolic steroids can cause many adverse effects On September 8,Mark McGwire of the St.

Louis Cardinals made history by hitting his sixty-second homerun. This finding drew attention to a growing problem with performance-enhancing drug use in professional and amateur sports.

Performance-Enhancing drugs harm the health of athletes, damage the integrity sports and drugs essay sportsand cause cheating;therefore, they should be prohibited from all sports. Performance-Enhancing drugs are quickly becoming a problem in the world of sports. A performance-enhancing drug can be defined as any substance used to get an advantage over the competition. Some athletes take them to break records or increase there chances of winning, while others do it to stay competitive with the ones who already do them.

There are several different drugs you can get in this day and age. Different Types of Drugs The first class of drugs is used to increase muscle strength Sign Up.

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Doping for gold: Performance-enhancing drugs

, time: 3:42

Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay | Bartleby

sports and drugs essay

Drug Testing In Sports Essay Words | 4 Pages. A dominant problem in sport today is the use of performance enhancing drugs (doping). The temptation of doping is high because athletes are constantly judged on their performance. However drug testing is costly; per person, a drug test costs around $ New Zealand athletes are often missing Drug Use in Sports Essay. Drugs should be banned in all sports. They have been a problem for a long time. Athletes use them to enhance their body and for simply just the edge. There is nothing wrong with using some drugs to enhance your body as long as they are legal Essay Drug Use in Sports. Words10 Pages. Drugs in sports can cost a player his or her scholarship(s) and more seriously, their lives. Everyday athletes that you may not think are doing anabolic steroids or the human growth hormone are the athletes who are the big users. 1

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